About Green Trees
Specialists in Learning Outside the Classroom
Director of Green Trees, Teresa Verney-Brookes has an academic background in Ecology and Environmental Science and is also a Level 3 Forest School Leader. She has completed the John Muir Award and CEVAS training and has recently gained the “Therapeutic Forest Course” qualification. Teresa has worked in the conservation and Environmental Education sector for over 25 years - with large national charities including the RSPB her local Wildlife Trust (BBOWT).
Green Trees offer a wide range of bespoke, curriculum-linked outdoor learning and Forest School sessions plus Teacher Training/CPD on Learning Outside the Classroom. We have been commissioned to write several learning packs and resources on this subject. We also offer advice on how to transform your outdoor areas (such as school grounds) into safe teaching zones and have helped schools to encourage and promote ‘nature-based play’ during lunch breaks.
Green Trees is also proud to collaborate with a range of partners including Nature Nurture CIC, Path Hill Outdoors and Inside Out. About ten years ago Green Trees set up and now runs ‘Reading’s Outdoor Classrooms’ (ROC) on behalf of Reading Borough Council.
Under her Equity name of ‘Professor Queen-Bee’, Teresa also uses a range of creative and performing arts as conduits to convey complex environmental and sustainability issues and topics in fun and ‘silly’ ways. The term she has coined for this work is ‘Eco-Clowning’. For more information, visit: https://www.professorqueenbee.co.uk